After High School Options
For any young adult, the transition (change) from high school to the adult world of work, school, and living on your own can be full of uncertainty. For young adults with disabilities, there are often even more questions and challenges. On this page we offer information about some of the questions you may be facing, such as:
- What is the difference between entitlement and eligibility for services?
- How will college work for me?
- What else can I do if I don't go to college?
Entitlement vs. Eligibility
It is important for parents and young adults to understand the difference between "eligibility" and "entitlement" programs. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)) requires that students who have been identified as needing special education services must be provided with a free and appropriate public education (FAPE), as defined in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). Students receiving special education services are entitled to receive these services until the year they leave high school or post high school. Once students are no longer receiving FAPE, they are no longer entitled to these services. See more on the Special Education Supports and Services pages.
When young people with disabilities leave public school, their entitlement to special education and related services ends, and access to adult services depends on eligibility. When a person with a disability applies for services or funding from an adult service agency, they will need to prove they meet the eligibility requirements by providing documentation of their disability. Adult services might include:
- continued education
- employment training
- employment
- independent living services
- transportation
- home health aides
- recreation
These programs operate under 504 Plan of 1973. This law requires that applicants meet requirements in order to be eligible for adult services. If the person meets the requirements for an adult program or service, they are then eligible or qualified for the services, but not entitled to them. Unfortunately, being eligible doesn’t always mean that services will be available. A person may be eligible for the program, but not receive the service because of staffing, capacity, or limited funding.
Post High School Options
There are many options for young adults with disabilities to look at after leaving high school, including college and other education programs, employment training programs, vocational rehabilitation, and employment.
- public or private universities
- colleges
- community colleges
- centers for continuing education
Employment Training Programs
Vocational Rehabilitation
- look at employment that fits their interests and needs
- set employment goals
- find employment
- on the job training
- internships and apprenticeships
- adult education/vocational courses
- trade and technical schools
- Competitive Employment: a worker with a disability performs her job in an inclusive work environment and is paid at a rate equal to workers without a disability. This may include part-time and/or temporary work.
- Supported Employment: assistance and/or accommodations are provided in the workplace so that a worker with a disability can perform his job in an inclusive environment. Among other things, support might include job coaching or training, individual supervision, transportation, or adaptive technology.
- Self-employment
- Job-sharing: two workers split one position and their pay is divided accordingly
Day Services and Meaningful Daytime Activities
Not all people are ready or able to join the workforce after high school. Some need more job skill training while others need training on self-help skills and activities of daily living (ADL). Day services are individualized, structured supports for people with significant disabilities. These services often grow an individual's interests and talents through community-based activities, center-based activities, and supported employment.
States have different services for people with disabilities. The agency names, types of services, funding sources, and eligibility vary by state. Please search our Services Directory for related services.
Information & Support
For Parents and Patients
Job Accomodation Network
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) provides free consulting services for all employees, regardless of the condition. Services
include one-on-one consultation about all aspects of job accommodations, including the accommodation process, accommodation
ideas, product vendors, referral to other resources, and ADA compliance assistance
Employment ( 120 KB)
From the Institute for Community Inclusion at Children's Hospital, Boston, this handout provides helpful tips for youth and
young adults to prepare for a job as they transition to adulthood.
Social Security Work Site - Ticket to Work Program
Social Security's Ticket to Work Program supports career development for Social Security disability beneficiaries ages 18
through 64 who want to work. The Ticket Program is free and voluntary.
List of State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies (CSAVR)
The Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) website provides links to quickly find vocational
rehabilitation contacts in each state.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources;
this link provides information on applying for SSI.
PACER's National Family Advocacy and Support Training Project
This project includes four training modules for families on topics such as "The Journey to Adulthood – What Every Parent Needs
to Know". Also includes information on Transition to Adulthood and more for young adults and families, in English and Spanish.
Youth Leadership Toolkit
Guidebook to go with videos by and for youth and young adults to help them learn about employment and related topics in an
easy access online format. Developed by the Center for Persons with Disabilities and the Becoming Leaders for Tomorrow Project
in collaboration with the Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU). Videos available on YouTube at
Authors & Reviewers
Contributing Authors: | Gina Pola-Money |
Teresa Such-Neibar, DO | |
Lynn Foxx Pease | |
Helen Post | |
Roz Welch | |
Reviewer: | Tina Persels |
2020: update: Tina PerselsA |
2019: update: Tina PerselsR |
2013: update: Tina PerselsA; Gina Pola-MoneyR |
2008: first version: Alfred N. Romeo, RN, PhDR |