Prosthetics & Orthotics

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Programs that pay for or provide internal devices (such as hip and knee implants) to provide stability to correct problems that currently exist there; external appliances (such as braces/splints) that improve the functioning of individuals with muscle, joint or skeletal weaknesses, deformities or injuries; products that provide mobility impaired individuals with greater body stability, trunk/head support, the ability to maintain an upright posture and reduction in pressure to the skin while seated; and/or artificial limbs or other mechanisms which replace missing extremities or other parts of the body. (AIRS LH-0600.6500) See also Mobility and Wheelchairs

Note: Service listings do not represent a recommendation or endorsement by the Medical Home Portal staff or its sponsoring organizations; nor do they reflect any assessment of the quality or value of a listed Service.

Service Legend
Local Service
Statewide Service: Provides online resources, telehealth, or service at a satellite office.
Nationwide Service: Provides online resources, telehealth or services at a regional/national headquarters location.
Nationwide Provider
515 Canal St, Suite 1C
New York, NY 10013
Phone: 800-320-7140
Nationwide Provider
515 Canal St, Suite 1C
New York, NY 10013
Phone: 800-320-7140
Source: Nationwide Suggest Providers Queue
Last Updated: 5/9/2022